Medical Devices Registration

Process of medical device registration in Russia

Stages of registration


We evaluate to which class of risk your medical belongs to, and based on that, we create a roadmap to successfully register your product. 



1st class of risk and in-vitro


Stage 1


1. Import product samples.


2. Prepare documentation for the regulatory government agency.


3. Conduct trials:


  • technical


  • clinical    


  • toxicological and electromagnetic compatibility EMC (if required)


Stage 2


Send prepared documents to the registration governmental agency.


Stage 3


Amend the documentation based on the feedback from the governmental agency.


Stage 4


Receiving the Registration Certificate.


2nd (A and B) and 3rd class of risk


Stage 1


1. Import product samples.


2. Preparing documentation for the regulatory government agency.


3. Undergo following trials:


  • technical


  • toxicological and electromagnetic compatibility EMC (if required)



Stage 2


Send prepared documents to the registration governmental agency.


Stage 3


Amend the documentation based on the feedback from the governmental agency


Receive approval to conduct clinical trials


Stage 4


Undergo clinical trials


Receive confirmation of clinical trials


Stage 5


Send the results of clinical trial report


Stage 6


Amend the clinical trial report based on the feedback from the governmental agency


Stage 7


Receive the Registration Certificate


Offered Services:

Preparing required documents for importing the medical device

Evaluating documentation for the possibility to register device as a medical product  

Developing technical and operational documentation for the medical device

Managing registration process of the medical device as a turnkey service

Negotiating in conducting trials for the medical device with the laboratories and clinical trial centers

What is included in the registration process


  • Evaluation of documents for the possibility to register it as a medical device

  • Import medical device samples

  • Development of technical and operational documentations based on the information provided by the manufacturer

  • Evaluation of manufacturer's documentation that is necessary for the product registration

  • Negotiation of costs and time periods for trials with the laboratories

  • Inspection of Protocols

  • Amendment of documents based on the government agency's feedback